31st Jan 2016
We are excited here at AffordableDomains! We are releasing hundreds of new Top-Level Domain's (TLD's), alongside with our new price structure. AffordableDomains now offers 486 differeent TLD's that can be registered!!Â
Your sure to find the right extension for you!!
CLICK HERE to view the latest TLDS and pricing chart.
21st Nov 2015
As AffordableDomains.ca grows, so does our site. We have implemented a new template on our emails being sent from the Billing Manager System. Some of you may have already noticed the emails in your inbox; we have started to switch over all the email templates, and are working hard to get them all done in a timely manner. If you receive a ...
2nd Jul 2015
Here at AffordableDomains.ca we would like to celebrate the 4th of July along side our American friends. Right now when you order any 'cPanel' Hosting services, on a yearly subscription you will receive a FREE domain name (.ca, .com, .net, .org, .us, .info, .mobi, .biz, .uk, .co.uk, .org.uk).Free domain will automatically be applied to your ...